The tuition fees that must be paid by UKT 3 students

Universities or colleges are educational institutions that provide various study programs to facilitate the educational needs of the community. However, the cost of education in college can be a significant burden for some people. Therefore, many universities in Indonesia implement the UKT system as one of the costs that must be paid by students. UKT…

Noise law in Spain: permitted hours and decibels

Situations  of disputes between neighbours  are quite common, as living in a community is much more complicated than it might seem at first glance. Although each individual can carry out certain activities in their home in a completely ordinary way, sometimes there are certain people who cause a nuisance by carrying out unusual activities that generate more…

Information allows us to better understand their

We know well that in today’s world having many active contacts is a crucial aspect for constant growth.Creating a database Customer data is a crucial topic today.  purchasing habits, expectations and nes. Having data means being able to build a better experience for each customer, personaliz and satisfying. But the new cookie policy promises to…

Guía completa sobre cómo promocionar aplicaciones

Un conocimiento profundo de los matices del marketing móvil permitirá a los desarrolladores obtener una ventaja competitiva. Teniendo en cuenta que en Rusia, debido al bloqueo de muchos servicios de publicidad extranjeros, estas peculiaridades diferirán significativamente de las del resto del mundo, es importante tener esto en cuenta. Panorama del mercado de aplicaciones móviles en…

Lanzamiento de una campaña publicitaria

Cabe recordar que VK anunció el lanzamiento de una nueva plataforma para promocionar VK Ads en abril de 2022. Los desarrolladores lograron unir todas las funciones útiles de otros servicios (myTarget y PRO VKontakte) en un solo sistema, para que los expertos en marketing pudieran trabajar con anuncios dirigidos de manera más fácil, rápida y eficiente. Registro…